Friday 20 May 2016

Members of the Public

One issue I had with filming in the public, were the members of the public. Occasionally I had to deal with nosey and inquisitive members of the public strolling along into shot, and asking what's going on. Although I'm usually very happy to help with situations like this, on some of the shoots we had very limited time to film and really counted afford to entertain any bi-standers. For example in the screenshot above, you can see two pedestrians that walk up behind the Rob and Sophia and end up remaining in shot for quite a while. So I had to stop recording and patiently wait for them to leave. 

There's not much I could of done to prevent this other than blocking off the street, but that would of been a bit drastic for the level of production I was working with.

In future, I'll just try to be more patient and make sure we're not pressed for time to film everything.

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