Tuesday 3 November 2015

Idea Pitch

We were tasked to our short film ideas in front of the class and our tuto, Tom Gray. My film
was to be called 'Minius'.

Minius is a henchman in a human trafficking ring, preying off vulnerable migrants. But his heart grows heavy with the guilt of seeing these migrants being treated poorly. He eventually snaps and kills the head henchman just before he killed a poor migrant woman. This causes the migrants relief, however temporary. But it just adds more guild for Moses. He now has the emotional burden of having blood on his hands. And having to run away for the human trafficking ring leader.

In my short film idea, I take inspiration from the account of Moses killing an Egyptian slave driver to protect an Israelite. I want to focus more on the emotional impact on himself due to his actions. I want it to show how a normal human being would feel after killing someone, because after all Moses was just a human, and felt the same emotions we feel. So the film revolves around the themes of compassion, anger and guilt.

It follows the story of Minius who is a henchman in a human trafficking ring. Their aim has been to fool vulnerable migrants who are in desperate need of a better life into think they’re going to get one with them. When in fact they’re being trafficked as modern day slaves.

Although Minius works for these horrible persons he can’t help but feel guilt when seeing these migrants being treated worse than animals. He eventually snaps and kills the head henchman just before he killed a poor migrant woman.

In the story, this head henchman, who is a really horrible character deserved to die, and everyone knew it. But it is said that no matter how much they deserved to die it still changes you forever, killing someone. And Minius find himself in turmoil over this, having blood on his hands on top of everything else.

His act caused the migrants relief, however brief. But Minius now has to run away to the authorities to get help to uncover the human trafficking scheme before the ring leader finds him. And that’s where I plan on ending it, with him running for his life under heavy gun fire.

Bible Connection
This short film is takes inspiration from the account of Moses killing an Egyptian slave driver to protect an Israelite. He hated to see the Israelites being treated horribly and even though he was raised as an Egyptian he had to take action. The ending focuses on Moses’ guilt of killing the Egyptian slave driver, and then Moses running away for his life.

How It Went

I think the pitch went fairly well. I was able to be myself which I think is important and also incorporated pictures to help the panel visualise the universe my film is set in and it's characters. 

What I Need To Work On
For my future pitches I need to work on being more comfortable on stage. I tend to get very awkward when in front of people and I think that showed, especially in the beginning.
Also I need to work on giving a fluent delivery. As a few times I stumbled over my words, mainly because I was just talking faster than my brain could output words!

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