Thursday, 31 March 2016

Mind Map

Above I have created a mind map of ideas for my FMP. As the ideas branch out they become more and more specific to my vision, and it's helped me hone in my ideas.

BURN Pitch Reflection

On Tuesday we pitched our FMP ideas to the class and our two tutors, Leanne and Steve, which was the culminative point of unit 12. I conducted a great deal of research in this unit, but when it comes to media production, you can't ever do too much research! 

I looked deeply into the psychology of arsonists. What makes them do what they do, why they do it, what their past was like, what makes them tick. All of this has been useful as it will help me construct a character that accurately portray the characteristics of an arsonist, and not just stereotypes. 

I also took time to go to a model shop on the top of Catherine Hill in Frome, to look at the possibility of burning down model houses for the VFX, instead of burning to an actual full-scale set. That trip went well and I'm seriously considering it now. I also visited a film set while in Rome. This gave me a good insight into how sets are built and managed. Also while on the Encounters International Film Festival trip, I attended the cinematography master class, held by the cinematographer for Word War Z. This was deeply insightful as to how how to perfectly light a set, according to the time of day, mood, aesthetic, etc you're trying to achieve. 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Unit 12 Reflection

My Unit 12 research project was a great help and very successful. It helped me to buckle down and really dive deep into many different ideas for my FMP. I did a lot of research into music videos, short films, and music video short films! In addition I did research into arsonist's. The psychology behind them, why they do what they do, how they go about doing it, etc. All of which is really helping with the character profiles and plot of the music video short film. 

Before I started Unit 12 I knew very little about the subject of arson, I soon found out that the little bit I did know were just stereotypes, and that the psychology behind arsonists. Now I'm far more informed about them and can accurately portray them. I also know more about how to make a successful music video. For example by keeping it short and sweet, and getting right to the crux of it right from the get-go.

I also took time to go to a model shop on the top of Catherine Hill in Frome, to look at the possibility of burning down model houses for the VFX, instead of burning to an actual full-scale set. That trip went well and I'm seriously considering it now. I also visited a film set while in Rome. This gave me a good insight into how sets are built and managed. Also while on the Encounters International Film Festival trip, I attended the cinematography master class, held by the cinematographer for Word War Z. This was deeply insightful as to how how to perfectly light a set, according to the time of day, mood, aesthetic, etc you're trying to achieve. 

Politically Charged
Taboo Themes
Great Cinematography Potential
Small Cast

Maybe too ambitious
VFX Heavy
Low light shots
